Does McDonald’s Microwave Its Burgers?

I love McDonald’s tasty burgers and go there regularly to eat them; today, when I ordered a burger from McDonald’s, they served it so quickly.

Then I noticed that whenever I buy a burger from McDonald’s, they prepare it so fast. How is it possible? Then I thought: Does McDonald’s serve me a microwaved pre-cooked burger? I searched about it on Google after coming home.

Some people were saying that Yes, McDonald’s Microwave their burgers while others are saying it’s not correct. So I did not get any exact answer there.

Then I decided to confirm it myself, and I was literally shocked after knowing the answer. Let’s know what I found out!

Does McDonald’s Microwave Its Burgers?

To find the answer, I went to McDonald’s next day and asked the employees there about it, and I found this out:

No, McDonald’s does not microwave its burgers; they cook them on a flat-top grill. If they microwave the burger, its bun will become soggy, and the crispness will also be lost.

Due to this, customers will not like its taste and McDonald’s will get a negative rating, and they would not want that.

Does any McDonald’s location microwave the Burgers?

No, burgers are not preheated or reheated at any McDonald’s location; McDonald’s employees are strictly prohibited from doing so. I mentioned the reason behind it above.

If you want to know does McDonald’s microwaves eggs or bacon, then keep reading!

Has McDonald’s ever microwaved burgers in the past?

Has McDonald's ever microwaved burgers in the past?

Yes, according to a report by WSJ, I found that hamburgers were microwaved in some McDonald’s restaurants in 1990s. Due to this, customers found their burgers to taste bad, and McDonald’s received negative feedback.

So they stopped microwaving burgers after that, and currently, microwaving burgers in McDonald’s is strictly prohibited.

Are McDonald’s Burger Patties Pre-Cooked?

No, McDonald’s burger patties are not pre-cooked; rather, they are pre-made. Their patties are shaped from beef and then flash-frozen.

So whenever you order a burger, McDonald’s freshly cooks those flash-freeze patties on the grill and then puts them in the burger and serves it.

So forget the fear of getting pre-cooked patties in your McDonald’s burger.

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How are McDonald’s burgers made so quickly?

McDonald’s makes burgers very quickly because they have large grills that can cook many patties simultaneously. A few grills also have a clamshell top that cooks the patties thoroughly on both sides.

Due to which regular burgers are ready in approximately 70-90 seconds and hamburgers are ready in approximately 90-110 seconds.

And while these patties are cooking, McDonald’s crew members prepare the buns and toppings and serve the burger as soon as the pattie is ready.

Can You Microwave McDonald’s Big Mac?

Can You Microwave McDonald's Big Mac?

Yes, you can microwave McDonald’s Big Mac burger. Here’s my personal way to reheat Big Mac in microwave:

Remove Lettuce and sauce from the burger > Cover it with a damp paper towel > Put the burger on microwave-safe plate > Place the plate in the microwave > Turn on the microwave in 30-second increments until the burger is thoroughly heated.

Does McDonald’s Flash-Freeze Its Burgers?

Yes, the patties used in McDonald’s hamburgers are flash-frozen before being shipped out to McDonald’s so that their taste is locked and they remain fresh.

And when an order comes for a burger, McDonald’s crew members freshly cook that patty and serve the burger quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can You Microwave McDonald’s Fries?

Yes, you can microwave McDonald’s fries but they will not be as crispy and delicious as before. Still, you can microwave McDonald’s Fries for maximum taste by using this method:

Spread McDonald’s fries on a microwave-friendly plate (Make sure there are no double-triple layers of fries) > Cover them with a damp paper towel > Microwave them on high for 20-30 seconds.

If you want your fries to be crispy, reheat them in the air fryer.

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What Kind Of Meat Does McDonald’s Use in Its Burgers?

McDonald’s uses certain cuts of beef in its burgers which are ground up and shaped into patties. And when those patties are being grilled, some salt and pepper is also added to them for taste.

McDonald’s says that their burger patties are always made with USDA-inspected beef without using any preservatives.

Does McDonald’s Microwave Its Bacon?

No, McDonald’s does not microwave bacon. Their bacon comes pre-cooked and is reheated in the oven before serving.

Does McDonald’s Microwave Its Eggs?

The answer is both yes and no; the eggs used in Sausage Burrito are cooked by McDonald’s Microwave. But folded/scrambled eggs which are used in sandwiches etc., are cooked with melted butter on the grill.


In Conclusion, although McDonald’s used to microwave its burgers for some time in the 1990s, currently, it is strictly prohibited to microwave burgers at McDonald’s.

Meanwhile, the patty used in their burgers is pre-formed and only needs to be cooked.

If you have any query related to McDonald’s burgers, comment down below, I will try to answer you in 24 to 48 hours!

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